7 Quick SEO Tactics to Improve Your Website’s Rankings

Search engine optimization must be at the top of your priority list if you are counting on your website to thrive online business. Remember that you won’t be able to generate leads for your business if nobody can find you in the crowded world of websites. And, undeniably, the top result on Google has more chances of getting clicked than those appearing on the second or third page and beyond. 

It means that if you are not number one on the page, you must miss out on potential traffic. What’s even scarier is that around 75% of people won’t even click on the second page. But thankfully, it’s not too late to get started. Here’s a quick rundown of the 7 most effective SEO tips to improve your website rankings. 

Increase your Google Rankings with these 7 Proven Tips

SEO can be overwhelming, but paying attention to the basic tips can position you higher in SERPs, thus growing your business beyond expectations. Here, we’ll put together the tips and tricks to boost your Google SERPs. Follow them carefully and increase your chances of ranking higher in search results. 

  • Have a good foundation

Before you jump into inserting keywords or optimizing your content based on the search intent, start with an appropriate website structure. Poor website design and lack of information architecture can doom even the best SEO campaigns, leaving marketers in vain. 

If your website is challenging for users to navigate and Google to crawl, you are destined to have little organic search traffic. Hence, pay attention to core web vitals and incorporate AI signals to determine search rankings. 

Conduct a regular SEO audit to measure your site’s current status and take necessary steps to improvise your site’s overall structure and accessibility. 

  • Index your page

Google is the leading search engine; hence, it’s important to index your site, so Google can find it in the first place. The process starts with submitting a sitemap and allows Google to crawl individual pages. 

Use a simple and logical URL structure and must do natural internal linking, so Google crawlers can find a logical patch through the content of your page. Finally, you can check how many pages on your site have been indexed by running it through Google. 

  • Don’t go overboard with keywords

Those days are a matter of the past when keyword stuffing was used to help spam sites to rank higher in search engine rankings. Google has now gotten smarter than ever and penalizes websites for adopting such useless strategies. 

Google always suggests marketers insert keywords naturally. Also, must utilize long-tail key phrases and add keyword variations to target the right phrase without being penalized. 

Also, you should only use keywords that are relevant to your business, services, or location. Avoid inserting unnecessary phrases in the content, and be careful not to overuse them. 

36RPM is a highly respected Digital Marketing Agency in Gurgaon that is renowned for its exceptional search engine optimization (SEO) services. Their top SEO team is committed to providing their clients with the most effective keywords that can be integrated seamlessly into their websites. By doing so, they help to reduce the amount of time spent changing web pages for the purpose of SEO. Their expertise in keyword research and analysis allows them to identify the most relevant terms that are commonly searched for on search engines like Google.

  • Optimize for search intent

Google has totally inclined itself to offer a seamless user experience. Hence, the end game for Google is to understand the context of a search better and serve up results that match the intent of the query. 

Search Intent is classified into four major types, Navigational, Informational, Commercial, and Transactional. To optimize for search intent, you must check the SERPs for the keyword phrase and see if the top results align with your page. 

If your page doesn’t match the search intent, you can either edit your page or create a new one for better rankings. 

  • Always add alt-text to images

Although a picture is worth a thousand words, Google cannot see the image, and hence you must add an alt-text to describe them. The alt-text helps both search engines and visually-impaired users to understand what your image is all about. 

However, when adding text to the pictures, make sure to keep it up to 125 characters, and feel free to include the target keyword. 

  • Create content around shoulder niches

Publishing niche-related content is important to stay higher in the SERP. But what if you are in the so-called boring niche, where it’s almost impossible to create content that people will link to?

Well, in that cases, you can start creating content around shoulder niches and keep the audience engaged without distracting them from your key topic. Shoulder Niches are closely-related topics that you can use to create content without losing your search engine rankings. 

  • Get quality backlinks 

Even if you follow on-page SEO best practices, your site isn’t assured to make the front page of Google. Hence, to amplify your chances, make sure to get backlinks from high-authority sites and see if these can make a difference. 

Do not underestimate quality backlinks, as they can do wonders for your website. However, getting such links isn’t as simple as it may seem. You must put in some additional effort to earn them. Create highly sharable content and follow the current SEO trends. 

Summing Up

So, why wait? Visit every page on your website and skim through. Check what’s lacking – images, videos, internal linking, alt-text, or a short snippet of text. Make sure to fix it and attract boundless organic traffic will follow. Get in touch with 36RPM today to receive exceptional SEO Services in Gurgaon and enhance your website’s ranking on Google search results.